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311. RTI International’s Amanda Rose on Indiana’s $69.6B agbioscience economy, three defined priorities for the future

This is a podcast episode titled, 311. RTI International’s Amanda Rose on Indiana’s $69.6B agbioscience economy, three defined priorities for the future. The summary for this episode is: <p>A team of researchers recently dug in to Indiana’s&nbsp; $69.6 agbioscience economy and its opportunities for growth well into the future – 2050, to be exact. Amanda Rose, agri-food systems lead for RTI International, joins us to elaborate on the newly released study, Accelerate 2050: A Vision for Indiana Agbioscience, and three defined opportunities for differentiated growth amid future uncertainty, including:&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><ol><li>Farmer-Focused Innovation&nbsp;</li><li>Food is Health&nbsp;</li><li>BioInnovation&nbsp;</li></ol><p><br></p><p>Why these opportunities? Amanda gets into the study’s methodology, marrying economic data with strategic foresight and creating the conditions for a future economy you want. These aren’t ideas bouncing off the wall but are grounded in existing assets that make Indiana unique. She also talks economic data, establishing a benchmark for future competitive analysis and how the data compares relative to other industries.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>This study was largely about the future, so what’s ahead? Amanda talks about possible future scenarios for agbioscience on a global scale and the importance of operating and innovating at unique intersections to drive big outcomes – for people, plants, animals and the planet.&nbsp;</p>