135. Ready for robots: Purdue NW project will streamline labor practices
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This is a podcast episode titled, 135. Ready for robots: Purdue NW project will streamline labor practices. The summary for this episode is: <p>Northwest Indiana is experiencing a big wave of innovation and a key piece of that comes from the campus of Purdue Northwest. On this week's episode, Gerry Dick with Inside INdiana Business is joined by Niaz Latif, dean of the College of Technology at Purdue Northwest. They talk about Project TRAVERSE, a $1 million funded effort to develop and test agtech solutions, the need for high-skilled workers to engineer robotics for remote planting and harvesting of crops and their partnership with Hammond-based Digital Crossroads.</p>
Northwest Indiana is experiencing a big wave of innovation and a key piece of that comes from the campus of Purdue Northwest. On this week's episode, Gerry Dick with Inside INdiana Business is joined by Niaz Latif, dean of the College of Technology at Purdue Northwest. They talk about Project TRAVERSE, a $1 million funded effort to develop and test agtech solutions, the need for high-skilled workers to engineer robotics for remote planting and harvesting of crops and their partnership with Hammond-based Digital Crossroads.