158. Investing in disruption

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This is a podcast episode titled, 158. Investing in disruption. The summary for this episode is: <p>How disruptive does innovation need to be to shift markets and gain the attention of investors? On this week’s episode, Mitch Frazier talks with iSelect Fund CEO, Carter Williams.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>They talk emerging trends in food and agriculture, the&nbsp;agbioscience&nbsp;intersection with human health and entrepreneurs being willing to listen while holding conviction around the core innovation that they’re driving.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>


How disruptive does innovation need to be to shift markets and gain the attention of investors? On this week’s episode, Mitch Frazier talks with iSelect Fund CEO, Carter Williams.  

They talk emerging trends in food and agriculture, the agbioscience intersection with human health and entrepreneurs being willing to listen while holding conviction around the core innovation that they’re driving.