350. Elevate Ventures’ Matt Tyner on the cost of innovation + the role of the investor in this next era of venture capital

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This is a podcast episode titled, 350. Elevate Ventures’ Matt Tyner on the cost of innovation + the role of the investor in this next era of venture capital. The summary for this episode is: <p>Pitchbook reports that of venture capital deals in 2024, roughly 30% of them were down rounds or flat, meaning their valuation of the companies either went backwards or were the same round to round. It’s a trend that will continue, so how can entrepreneurs break the cycle? Matt Tyner, managing partner of America’s most active venture capital firm – Elevate Ventures, joins today to make sense of what’s ahead and how innovators can succeed. He gets into:&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><ul><li>The current state of venture capital – and the criticality of taking a step back to understand where things sit today&nbsp;</li><li>Investors’ increased focus on profitability and not being able to cut your way to growth&nbsp;</li><li>Artificial intelligence as an enabler – not a vertical&nbsp;&nbsp;</li><li>Does the future include a shift to debt versus venture&nbsp;</li><li>The cost of innovation and the role of an investor in this era of venture capital&nbsp;</li><li>What the current conversation with portfolio companies looks like for Elevate Ventures&nbsp;</li><li>What Matt sees as emerging trends in agbioscience&nbsp;</li><li>The most important jobs to be done in the industry&nbsp;</li></ul><p><br></p>
Shift to Debt vs. Venture
01:01 MIN
The Expense of Innovation
01:22 MIN
The Role of Agbioscience
01:40 MIN


Pitchbook reports that of venture capital deals in 2024, roughly 30% of them were down rounds or flat, meaning their valuation of the companies either went backwards or were the same round to round. It’s a trend that will continue, so how can entrepreneurs break the cycle? Matt Tyner, managing partner of America’s most active venture capital firm – Elevate Ventures, joins today to make sense of what’s ahead and how innovators can succeed. He gets into:  

  • The current state of venture capital – and the criticality of taking a step back to understand where things sit today 
  • Investors’ increased focus on profitability and not being able to cut your way to growth 
  • Artificial intelligence as an enabler – not a vertical  
  • Does the future include a shift to debt versus venture 
  • The cost of innovation and the role of an investor in this era of venture capital 
  • What the current conversation with portfolio companies looks like for Elevate Ventures 
  • What Matt sees as emerging trends in agbioscience 
  • The most important jobs to be done in the industry