209. BONUS: Indianapolis, it’s our time

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This is a podcast episode titled, 209. BONUS: Indianapolis, it’s our time. The summary for this episode is: <p>From COVID-19 to African Swine Fever and now a global recession facing supply challenges, Elanco has faced many circumstances since becoming an independent company in 2018. CEO Jeff Simmons addressed the Economic Club of Indiana last week to send a clear message: their greatest era of innovation and impact to society lies ahead (and is coming quickly). This week, we bring you his comments as a special bonus episode.&nbsp;</p><p>Jeff dives into Elanco’s new global headquarters being a destination, not an obligation, where people want to go and work with purpose and reaching the world’s animals from this new epicenter for innovation. And while acknowledging that great work has been done in Indianapolis, he calls on leaders to prioritize building an inclusive community where talent wants to be and to work quickly – because the window is small for us to seize our opportunity.&nbsp;</p><p>**A special thank you to the Economic Club of Indiana for allowing use of their audio for this episode. To watch Jeff Simmons’ full program, <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrAJhzlHhr0" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">click here</a>.**&nbsp;</p>


From COVID-19 to African Swine Fever and now a global recession facing supply challenges, Elanco has faced many circumstances since becoming an independent company in 2018. CEO Jeff Simmons addressed the Economic Club of Indiana last week to send a clear message: their greatest era of innovation and impact to society lies ahead (and is coming quickly). This week, we bring you his comments as a special bonus episode. 

Jeff dives into Elanco’s new global headquarters being a destination, not an obligation, where people want to go and work with purpose and reaching the world’s animals from this new epicenter for innovation. And while acknowledging that great work has been done in Indianapolis, he calls on leaders to prioritize building an inclusive community where talent wants to be and to work quickly – because the window is small for us to seize our opportunity. 

**A special thank you to the Economic Club of Indiana for allowing use of their audio for this episode. To watch Jeff Simmons’ full program, click here.**