331. Field Atlas’ Rilynne Puckett on striving for purpose + the growing interest in agbioscience careers among college students
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Workforce development is a topic that tops the list of policymakers and business leaders across the country; but true change in workforce development requires more than policy or curriculum. Field Atlas is an online career exploration platform, coupled with the power of on-campus peer ambassadors, to connect the future workforce to careers across food, animal health, plant science, agtech and agriculture. Today we are joined by Ball State University student and Field Atlas Ambassador, Rilynne Puckett, to talk careers, discovering agbioscience and to answer a big question: what are young people looking for in their professional lives?
Rilynne dives into her accidental discovery of agbiosciences via the Field Atlas Company Tours program and how she instantly saw herself applying a chemistry degree to the industry. She’s been connecting with her peers on campus to share the agbioscience story – and talks their reaction to the opportunities in front of them.
What are college students looking for as the enter the workforce? Rilynne gets into striving for purpose, doing something you love and making an impact on our world.
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Mitch Frazier
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