314. Kevin Still on a hot start for Keystone Cooperative, being a conduit between tech + the farmer amidst a new speed of change

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This is a podcast episode titled, 314. Kevin Still on a hot start for Keystone Cooperative, being a conduit between tech + the farmer amidst a new speed of change. The summary for this episode is: <p>Cooperatives and retailers have been critical infrastructure for agriculture for generations. Keystone Cooperative CEO, Kevin Still, joins today to discuss their key role on farming operations and how ag retail has evolved since its inception.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>As on-farm technologies continue to advance so does its role in cooperatives’ product portfolio. Kevin dives into Keystone Cooperative’s approach to being a trusted advisor on products and solutions that create value for their farmers – from data management to labor.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>Keystone Cooperative is just a few months old and Kevin gives an update on their people, processes and bringing synergies together. Looking ahead, he talks investing in new technologies at scale and being a conduit between emerging technologies and the farmer. He also gets into the next four decades of agriculture and a new evolution of the farmer.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
The Evolution of Agricultural Cooperatives
01:05 MIN
Clean Data Creating Better Farm Margins
02:06 MIN
Great Talent Driving Great Business
00:54 MIN
The Beauty of The Co-op
00:45 MIN
The Speed of Change
01:09 MIN


Cooperatives and retailers have been critical infrastructure for agriculture for generations. Keystone Cooperative CEO, Kevin Still, joins today to discuss their key role on farming operations and how ag retail has evolved since its inception.   

As on-farm technologies continue to advance so does its role in cooperatives’ product portfolio. Kevin dives into Keystone Cooperative’s approach to being a trusted advisor on products and solutions that create value for their farmers – from data management to labor.  

Keystone Cooperative is just a few months old and Kevin gives an update on their people, processes and bringing synergies together. Looking ahead, he talks investing in new technologies at scale and being a conduit between emerging technologies and the farmer. He also gets into the next four decades of agriculture and a new evolution of the farmer.