143. Indiana entrepreneur automating the almond industry

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This is a podcast episode titled, 143. Indiana entrepreneur automating the almond industry. The summary for this episode is: <p>A once aspiring fashion designer, Anna Haldewang is now the founder and CEO of InsightTRAC based in Syracuse, Indiana. On this week's episode of the podcast, she joins Gerry Dick from Inside INdiana Business to talk finding agtech as a career, developing a Rover to remove mummies and navel orangeworms in almond orchards and her biggest lessons as an entrepreneur</p>


A once aspiring fashion designer, Anna Haldewang is now the founder and CEO of InsightTRAC based in Syracuse, Indiana. On this week's episode of the podcast, she joins Gerry Dick from Inside INdiana Business to talk finding agtech as a career, developing a Rover to remove mummies and navel orangeworms in almond orchards and her biggest lessons as an entrepreneur