182. Serving communities + creating change

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This is a podcast episode titled, 182. Serving communities + creating change. The summary for this episode is: <p>Purdue University has been hosting the 4th cohort of The Mandela Washington Fellowship with agbioscience innovators from Africa spending time on campus this summer to hone and develop their professional and leadership skills. This week, we are joined by Boaz Berhanu and Molly Abende to talk about their experience with the program this summer.&nbsp;</p><p>They talk about the critical issues facing their respective communities, what they’ve learned from the program and how they plan to enact change at home once they return.&nbsp;</p>


Purdue University has been hosting the 4th cohort of The Mandela Washington Fellowship with agbioscience innovators from Africa spending time on campus this summer to hone and develop their professional and leadership skills. This week, we are joined by Boaz Berhanu and Molly Abende to talk about their experience with the program this summer. 

They talk about the critical issues facing their respective communities, what they’ve learned from the program and how they plan to enact change at home once they return.