199. Durable, differentiated growth
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This is a podcast episode titled, 199. Durable, differentiated growth. The summary for this episode is: <p>Brad Chambers’ career is rich in entrepreneurial ventures – from launching and selling a landscaping business, investing in his first rental property as a sophomore at Indiana University (he owned 31 properties by the time he graduated) and ultimately founding Buckingham Properties. This week, the Indiana Secretary of Commerce talks with us about joining Governor Holcomb’s cabinet, industries that will power our state’s economy for years to come and his passion growing entrepreneurship in Indiana. He also talks about this exciting time for Indiana’s agbioscience sector and its integral role in building the economy of the future. </p>
Brad Chambers’ career is rich in entrepreneurial ventures – from launching and selling a landscaping business, investing in his first rental property as a sophomore at Indiana University (he owned 31 properties by the time he graduated) and ultimately founding Buckingham Properties. This week, the Indiana Secretary of Commerce talks with us about joining Governor Holcomb’s cabinet, industries that will power our state’s economy for years to come and his passion growing entrepreneurship in Indiana. He also talks about this exciting time for Indiana’s agbioscience sector and its integral role in building the economy of the future.