107. Agbioscience entrepreneurs are going for it in 2020

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This is a podcast episode titled, 107. Agbioscience entrepreneurs are going for it in 2020. The summary for this episode is: <p>There has been an uptick in entrepreneurial activity this year, paving the way for more startup creation and collaboration in the agbiosciences. On this week’s episode of the podcast, gBeta Indy’s Geoff Zentz joins Gerry Dick with Inside INdiana Business to talk about the organization's Agbioscience Cohort.</p> <p>Interested in learning more about the 2020 startups participating in the accelerator? Join us for Pitch night on Friday, 11/20: - <a href='https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3A%2F%2Flive.remo.co%2Fe%2Fgbeta-agbio-science-and-indy-vir%2Fregister&amp;c=E,1,WrC7pezbjst3E4i2EuBLyeGBjStu3p6l-7j8gPd2tNfS1ovQF7HQIaXCdqAgnJddJtMbd8rtS6K5O1tJwgyV8o9FzSk1MVWeNviyLVCWY53eStVmagfQ9iw,&amp;typo=1'>https://live.remo.co/e/gbeta-agbio-science-and-indy-vir/register</a></p>


There has been an uptick in entrepreneurial activity this year, paving the way for more startup creation and collaboration in the agbiosciences. On this week’s episode of the podcast, gBeta Indy’s Geoff Zentz joins Gerry Dick with Inside INdiana Business to talk about the organization's Agbioscience Cohort.

Interested in learning more about the 2020 startups participating in the accelerator? Join us for Pitch night on Friday, 11/20: - https://live.remo.co/e/gbeta-agbio-science-and-indy-vir/register