286. BONUS: Geoff Zentz on the HungerTech Innovation Challenge, leveraging innovation to eliminate food insecurity
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Doing good by doing well – it's a concept the AgriNovus Indiana team embraced when the HungerTech Innovation Challenge was launched. Three years later, it’s still going strong; and new solutions are hitting the market that better connect food supply with food demand.
The 2024 HungerTech tasks innovators with developing market-driven tech models that ensure increased and equitable food distribution that is both environmentally sustainable and economically viable. The winning team will receive $25,000 to help accelerate commercialization of their solution.
Solutions could find, but are not limited to, opportunities for innovation in the following areas:
- Infrastructure - current critical inefficiencies exist in capturing, managing and redirecting surplus food from points of excess – such as producers and retailers – to communities grappling with food insecurity (this is exacerbated for perishable goods).
- Forecasting - deployment of tools for accurately forecasting the production of surplus food and quantifying demand from food-insecure populations have significant deficiencies.
- Preservation - there are shortfalls in current food preservation technologies to prolong shelf life of perishables without detracting nutritional value or safety.
Registration to join this year’s HungerTech Innovation Challenge closes March 12. Learn more and connect with Geoff at agrinovusindiana.com/hungertech.